Apr 26, 2018
Gardening as therapy has been used for centuries to cultivate health and wellbeing for people of all ages and abilities.
For many people, especially those living within dementia support units, access to outdoor spaces can be limited.
Such an environment, where they have limited access to the outdoors, unable to enjoy gardening activities and a general lack of nutritious fresh food, can lead to depression, anxiety, confusion, stress and other impacts on emotional and physical wellbeing.
Many studies clearly show a connection between improvements to physical, psychological and social wellness from accessing outdoor spaces and participating in gardening activities, especially when fresh food is grown.
Gardens within aged care homes, respite centres and community services not only provide a place for gardeners to enjoy getting their hands in the earth, but they also offer opportunities for growing fresh, nutrient-packed food onsite.
Many people living within aged care are being served food that is lacking vital nutrients and flavour, but by having easy access to seasonally grown food meals can be improved nutritionally and also taste delicious.
Providing regular garden activities within safe outdoor spaces not only provides positive experiences, but also the added benefits of having fresh, homegrown food included in meals.
In this episode I share ideas for establishing gardens within aged care homes, community centres, community gardens and also school gardens and also how to coordinate and run a gardening program for everyone to enjoy.
We cover;
Here’s the extra resources that you may find helpful…
Also download my FREE 25 Point Checklist to ensure you’re on the right path with your garden!
And join the ‘Soil to Supper Facebook Club’ to ask questions, share what you grow and join our daily themes.
Would you like to feel more confident with growing your garden and fresh food??
Join our Soil to Supper Membership Community, where you’ll access growing guides, masterclasses, a ‘Field Guide’ and loads of resources to enjoy success!
The Wellbeing Garden episodes available HERE
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Enjoy establishing a wonderful gardening program! I’m sure everyone involved will love and appreciate the time with others connecting with nature.
Thank You for joining me in The Wellbeing Garden, enjoy a fabulous day,