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Join Horticulturist and Therapeutic Horticulture specialist, Cath Manuel, for simple ideas and inspirations to improve health and wellbeing from plants, nature and fun gardening activities.

In each episode, Cath shares simple ideas for gardening to improve health and wellbeing, interviews specialists on topics covering gardening, health care and wellbeing and also 'Simple Solutions' episodes to solve your common gardening problems.

She also shares access to FREE downloads to help you grow and thrive. Keep an eye out for those in each episode!

Learn to grow health AND grow food successfully at

Jan 4, 2017

Through my studies in Horticulture and Permaculture Design I’ve gained skills to create amazing gardens, and through the years I’ve developed simple methods to save time and money!

In this episode I share my simple methods for creating a new garden or for revamping existing gardens.

Here’s the simple steps I’ve covered…

  • When creating gardens the BEST place to start is with planning. This saves time and money! Create a vision board and add all the features and plants you’d like in your garden. Also consider how much time, money and space you have for these gardens. Create a ‘shopping list’ of the foods you enjoy eating as this helps with planning what to grow.


 “Dream BIG but start small. Make gardening a pleasure not a chore!”

  • Once you’ve planned your garden now it’s time to get your hands dirty! Time to create your garden. Follow your plans and start with paths, fences, seating and other garden elements.


Then create gardens by following a ‘no-dig’ method, set up an ‘in-garden’ compost system, plant trees and shrubs. Find links to these methods below.

  • After establishing your garden features and garden beds you can also start growing in containers.


Consider growing herbs, flowers and leafy greens. When potting use THE best potting mix you can buy and add extra fertiliser to feed plants long term.

  • The next step is to get your new plants growing! Follow the list you created of your favourite foods and start with these.


Also choose plants suitable for your climate and the current season and grow plants from seeds, seedlings or established plants.

  • Nurturing your garden is super important to keep your plants thriving and producing abundant crops.


Follow organic gardening methods, feed the soil not the plants, harvest foods regularly and observe everything going on so you can support your garden’s growth. Keep a garden kit on hand with all your favourite tools, equipment and organic garden products to save time when heading out to the garden!

Here’s links I’ve mentioned through this episode…


Want more ideas for designing your garden? Find my eBook ‘How to Design a Sustainable Garden’ or grab my free Monthly Garden Planner here -


Thanks for joining me in The Wellbeing Garden. Please contact me anytime you have any questions!

Growing with you,
